Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mom, you need to sit down...

As you all know Lauren is 10 ( going on 17).. she reminds us daily that she is growing up. We have started to let her have a bit more freedom out and about in the neighborhood.  One this particular day she was out riding scooters with her buddy Emma. I told them to be back home by 4PM because Emma's  Dad was coming to pick her up. So off they went to ride around.  With the rule that they CANNOT go to the fort. We have 3 different forts in our hood.  But the one I am referring to always has a huge group of 5th grade boys always hanging out . There is NO good to be had at that particular fort. So they were both told not to go.. I'm sure you know where this is headed.  Emma's Dad showed up at 4 and they girls were NO WHERE to be found. What kind of parent do I look like when I don't where where his kid is? So he drove the hood looking as did I.. I got madder and madder as the minutes ticked away. I told him to go on home and I would find them.. Chew them out accordingly and bring her home.
 As I am driving around Ken calls to tell me they just walked in all jolly and happy. Claiming not to know what time it is.. I told him to not yell but to PLEASE let me have that satisfaction.  When I walked in Lauren says Mom,, you need to sit so that your head doesn't fume off ( her words). She then tells me that they decided to go check the fort out even though I had told them no.  I mean Mom I was with Emma and yes there were 5th grade boys there but we were only there for a few mins. Please don't be mad Mom I'm telling you before someone tells you. That has to count for something. As for me being late.. I have no excuse.. ok Mom, are you mad ??  I was still processing everything when she was done telling me..  On one hand she did come directly home and tell me.. On the other hand she went where she was told specifically not to go to. I did not yell which is my normal response.. I was very calm and told Emma I would be taking her home. Lauren kept asking what her punishment was, asking OVER AND OVER again.  Then I remembered when I was a kid and my mom would say wait till your Dad gets home. It felt like an eternity waiting.. So I made her wait to find out her fate. We don't need to get into the gritty details of her punishment.. Just know that she was not pleased. One thing for sure is this child is JUST LIKE ME... Scares me to death the older she gets.. WOW !! Dear Lord, Please don't give my Mother her wish. AMEN !!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Charlie -- Happy 15th Birthday

Charlie has been with us since before we were actually us. I got him as a late Christmas present from my parents. Ken and I started date about a month after I got him. From then on it was a match made in heaven ( not us but Charlie and Ken). Ha ! 

He really has been the best dog. So great with the kids and their friends. Until recently he has been very healthy. He is so loved that we give him shots 2x a day for diabetes. I wouldn't give Ken shots 2x a day. JUST KIDDING !!

Last week he turned 15 yrs old. We know that day is coming that he will leave us. That is going to be an awful day in the this house. I just wish we could freeze time and keep him forever.

Yes, he does sleep with us. That is all my fault.. when I was single he would sleep with me and once we got married he stayed in the bed. Happy Birthday Charlie !! We love you so much !

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Laurens Endocrinologist Check-up

Ever since Lauren has been diagnosed with Hashimotos. We have had to go in 2x a year for her check-up. Typically always falls in August and February. Like always we see the doc first get weighed and height checked. etc.. Then Dr Hutchinson comes into talk to us about any changes. This appt I got the shocker of them all. Well, Mrs Wheeley Lauren is in the beginning stages of PUBERTY. Umm what did you just say to me?? Shes in the early stages but please keep in mind that it could take up to 2 years before.  Then Lauren says until " THE BIG RED MESS ARRIVES".  Yes I about fell off my chair. We have had the conversation but wow. She says Mom I am 10 I know these kind of things. Can we please back up a few years and keep her young FOREVER??? The doctor says its all going to be OK ( mind you shes saying it me not Lauren). I said do you have a pill for me to get me thru these next few years. She cracked up laughing. I am NOT kidding at all. 

This child is so much like me its scary. I know how I was and GOD BLESS my Mom for dealing with me and not killing me. Because I may kill Lauren before its all over it.

Dear Lord Please help me with this child.