Saturday we were at the mall with some friends that were visiting from out of town. We met them in the food court for a little lunch . As always during the meal Walker had to go to the bathroom. We had a table close to the carousel as well as a view of the bathrooms. I let Walker go solo ( he keeps saying that boys should not go into girls restrooms ), I watched him go in. A few minutes went by he had not returned, so I thought he was finishing his business. But I headed over the the bathroom and yelled him name, NO RESPONSE, I asked a teenage boy to go in and call out his name still NO RESPONSE. PANIC started to set in... I even went into the men's restroom to see if he would answer STILL NO RESPONSE. At this point I felt like someone was stabbing a knife in my stomach. I ran back to the table to ask our friends for help. I told Lauren to stay put just in case he made his way back. 3 of us started to look for him. My mind was racing and going places I don't even want to talk about. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a small group of people in front of Starbucks ( which was away from our table). I walked that way and there was my sweet boy talking to a security guard. He actually did what he was taught to do.. As soon as I saw him I started crying which of course made him cry. He hugs me and says, " Mommy I so sorry you lost me." Lol..
He told me later that when he walked out of the bathroom he went the wrong way. He said he was confused and got a little scared. But I told him that he did exactly what he was suppose to do. It will be a very long time before he will go to the bathroom solo again.