Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

My kids love Halloween. Not just because of the candy.  They love to pick out their costumes. As you can see from Lauren she LOVES LOVES to wear make-up the more the better. She was " Frankie-Stein from Monster High. Walker was "Brained Washed". He found the costume in August in some random magazine and he did not forget about it. It was all he talked about so needless to say he was so excited to get to wear it. It actually came with a black mask that went over the face but he opted not to wear it. I thought it looked cute just the way it was. As I put him to bed he said ,well Halloween is over again this year. What will I be next year ? Hmmm..

Thursday, October 27, 2011

School Pics..

Lauren 4th grade .. She actually has her real smile and not the fake one she usually makes in pics.

Walker 1st grade.. this is probably one of my favorites of him. I love his smile.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Halloween Party..

Ken and I got invited to 2 Halloween Costume parties this year. We were both excited to dress up. Ken already knew what he wanted to be and found the costume. Not sure if anyone knows who he is..
" The Greatest American Hero". Yes I know that it totally dates him but he LOVED it. Cracks me up..

 You are all probably wondering what I was.. Well I decided to be Teresa from the Real Housewives of New Jersey When in reality I just looked like a " Jersey Girl" . Oh well we had a blast ..

Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Walker .. 7yrs old..

Happy Birthday to my sweet boy. I cant believe hes already 7. He has taught me so much about being a better Mommy , patience and so much more. When I put him to bed on his birthday I got all weepy knowing that my baby boy is growing up. Silly I know but just would like to keep him small as long as I can. I am so blessed to have him in my life. LOVE YOU WALKERMAN..


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Life Lessons

Poor Lauren had to learn that their are adults that still act like they are " mean teenage girls".  Its a long story and dont want to get into it on here. Its a life lesson that I was non- too pleased to have to teach her. But she handled it way more maturely than I expected her too. I am proud of the way she is growing into a young lady. Love her..

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Looking good.....

This pic just makes me smile. He loves these bug glases that Nana sent.. But not to look for bugs just because he says he looks " good"..