Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas from Lauren's point of view..

As most of you know we spent Christmas with my family at my parents home in Welcome, Tx. Lauren's camera captures some of the madness. There were 20 plus people in the house for multi days. It was chaos but oh so fun for all. I will comment on some of the pics.
Add caption
Daddy's golf cart. My kids love to get to drive.

view from front porch

My sister and brother in law. He's wearing my Moms mink. Soo funny

Cousin Ellie. Mom in back ground

Sorry, its on the the twins. I think its Jonathan.


Uncle Kelly

Crazy Annie..
We all had a great time. My parents really enjoyed having all of us there. Well  I think they did

Monday, December 26, 2011

Tooth Fairy and Santa....

While we were at my parents. Walker's tooth was super lose but he wouldn't let me touch it. Finally the days after Christmas it came out while he was brushing his teeth.  When he put his tooth under his pillow he says, " Hmmm , wouldn't it be nice if the Tooth Fairy and Santa could me? " It was very hard me me not to laugh out loud. He was so serious when he said it. Love this boy !
Cheesy grin. Lauren took this one.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Could it be.. no fighting...

While standing in line for Santa. The kids were actually being sweet. Don't get me wrong they are sweet kids. But they had been fighting for days and days. It was a nice change of things. I'm sure it had NOTHING to do with my threatening them in the car before we walked in. HAHAH

Monday, December 19, 2011

Holiday Parties..

The kids had their holiday parties last week at school. Laurens class made scarfs. One for themselves and one for a child in need. Which I thought was so neat. Kids had a great time making them.
Sweet baby girl  making her scarf .  She really wanted to make more then one. Not sure if making more were for her or the kids in need. I'm hoping for the later.

Walker ... he did NOT want to smile.. he was not happy with me taking a pic of him . So this is what I got his cheesy smile.
He attempted to smile a little better when he took one with me .. But not much better. His party has lots of activities but he only wanted to eat the cookie. A Mom in the class was so disturbed by the fact that he didn't want to color or play bingo. I could care less if he did either.. He was happy just playing. All in all both kids had great parties..

I cant believe that we are half way thru the school year.. Time is flying by..

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Santa is on a budget

Laurens list for xmas is not only long but its crazy expensive. We even had her add up the things she wants. She still is under the assumption that she is going to get most of that list. Here is just part of her list

Bose Headphones- range for $200-$300
Kindle Fire- $199 ( wants only this EXACT one)
Justice clothing-   about $400 give or take
Vera Bradley Purse- she can have my old one.

Anyway y'all get the idea.

We let Lauren know that Santa is on a budget and has to provide all the kids of the world with presents. 

Bah Humbug !!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Lauren and the End of Fiddle

For those 7 people that read my blog you know that Lauren questioned the tooth fairy a few weeks ago. We ended up telling her that the tooth fairy was not real. My  hope and prayer was that we would at least get one more Christmas of her believing. Well.. yesterday she questioned and questioned me about our Elf Fiddle. Mom, do you move him ? Mom , you have to move him it is a doll and he cant move himself?  Mom , I mean really he cant eat candy? On and on to the point that I had to tell her the truth. She was OK with maybe even a bit relieved with the information. I asked if she would like to help me hide him for Walker. She says I'm not touching him. If you have read the book you know that he will " lose his magic if you touch him".  Ha.. so there is still a glimmer of belief.  She says she still believes in Santa but we are wondering if  she just telling us she does.  It breaks my heart to see my sweet little baby growing up. I want to keep her young as long as possible

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My Giving Tree

Every year I fall more and more in love with our front yard tree. The color of the leaves just make me happy.  Actually in general everything about it  makes me  happy.
One of my favorite childrens book is The Giving Tree. Not really sure why but this tree has always reminded me of that book.

                                                           “And the tree was happy”                                                    
                                                    Shel Silverstein, The Giving Tree

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving !

This was our year to be here for Thanksgiving. Our neighbor and dear friend invited us over to her parents house.  We all had a great time. Ate way more then we should have and had a ton of laughs.

I have something to be thankful for they didn't fight at all that day. Well maybe once we got home the fights started back. But not in public.

Walker had the best time greeting people at the door. He was so happy announcing the guests arrival.
                              Lauren is in love with Gavin. She had a blast playing with him.

                             Sweet Cody was happy just hanging out watching all of the action.
Lauren made some awesome mashed potatoes. .. what you cant see is potatoes splattered in various places in the kitchen . haha

All in all it was a fabulous day. Thanksgiving 2011 was a success.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Is the _______ real ????????

We knew this day was coming. So tonight when Walker lost his tooth. One of the first things Lauren said was, Is the tooth fairy real?  Ummmmm... I always stumble when these questions come up.  So here is how the conversation went

Lauren:  I mean really fairy's aren't real, nothing can fly around .
Me: really
Lauren: Mom think about it things or people cant fly.
Me: well
Lauren: But Mom Santa is so real that is completely different.
Me: Why?
Lauren: Mom the reindeer fly and help Santa get around the world to deliver the presents.
Me: Good point
Lauren: Santa even brings presents to you. So he's so real
Me. hmm
Lauren: So , Mom what about the tooth fairy?
Me: what about it?
Lauren: is it real?
Me: sigh...
Lauren: Mom I already know that you and Daddy put the $$ under my pillow.
Me: yes
Lauren: I KNEW IT
Me: So that does mean I don't have to give you anymore $$ when your teeth come out?
Lauren: MOM of course you do.
Me: Ha

Makes me sad to see her growing up. Here's to hoping we have one more year of Santa.

Walker's 1st tooth lost...

After days and days of tears , not wanting to eat and everything just plan bugging him. He has finally lost his first tooth. He is so very excited about the whole in his mouth. Of course Lauren is showing him how to spit water out of that hole. NICE !  He loves trying to do that and says hes going to show his class tomorrow. Sorry Mrs Montes..

He immediately put it under his pillow in anticipation of the tooth fairy coming . He is expecting big bucks. I'm hoping now that he has lost his first, the ones that follow won't be as difficult.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

One of those days

Today is just one of those days .  It started out OK, got kids off to school, had to go get blood work for my afternoon physical, home to work, grabbed a quick lunch with a few girl friends, back home to work and then late afternoon appointment for my physical. THAT is where it went down hill. All of the stress in my life has caught up with me. I have CRAZY high blood pressure. Need to lose some LBS ( the doc visit really should be another post but not now).  I get home to the normal afternoon activities ( homework, getting diner ready). THEN we started dinner and Walker had a melt down over what he had to eat. Mind you it was  a hot dog, fruit and macaroni . I didn't serve him the fish and veggies that Ken and I were having. He hasn't had a meltdown in forever. But it went on and on ( will spare y'all all the details) . Then I started to cry in the middle of his meltdown. It freaked him out and he kept saying he was so sorry. Mommy, I so sorry. Which of course made me cry more. He then told me ( while making his hands in the shape of a heart) " you are breaking my heart with your tears". Such a sweet sweet boy he is. 

Feel like I am rambling on and on.

Tomorrow is a new day....

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

43 Acts of Kindness

My friend Tyra lost her husband, Steve, to brain cancer just over two years ago. Next Friday, November 4th, would have been his 43rd birthday and in his honor, Tyra and her two amazing kids, Cooper & Katie, have come up with a wonderful tribute to him.

They are hoping that 43 people will perform random acts of kindness throughout the day on November 4th. You can read more about it in Tyra's own words on her blog right here.

I have no doubt that 43 people will perform random acts of kindness in his honor on that day, but how cool would it be to have 2x43 or 3x43 perform random acts of kindness that day? Tyra is truly an amazing mom, friend, worker, volunteer, writer. . .the list could go on and on. . .and her kids are equally as great and I would love to help them go above and beyond their goal for that day.

So, for now, the 6 of us in my family have begun to brainstorm 6 different ways that each of us can show random acts of kindness next week and I hope you will do the same. And don't forget to take a picture or send Tyra a quick note at if you are able to participate so she can be uplifted and know how many people care on this hard day for their family.

I love this idea and hope that you do, too!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

My kids love Halloween. Not just because of the candy.  They love to pick out their costumes. As you can see from Lauren she LOVES LOVES to wear make-up the more the better. She was " Frankie-Stein from Monster High. Walker was "Brained Washed". He found the costume in August in some random magazine and he did not forget about it. It was all he talked about so needless to say he was so excited to get to wear it. It actually came with a black mask that went over the face but he opted not to wear it. I thought it looked cute just the way it was. As I put him to bed he said ,well Halloween is over again this year. What will I be next year ? Hmmm..

Thursday, October 27, 2011

School Pics..

Lauren 4th grade .. She actually has her real smile and not the fake one she usually makes in pics.

Walker 1st grade.. this is probably one of my favorites of him. I love his smile.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Halloween Party..

Ken and I got invited to 2 Halloween Costume parties this year. We were both excited to dress up. Ken already knew what he wanted to be and found the costume. Not sure if anyone knows who he is..
" The Greatest American Hero". Yes I know that it totally dates him but he LOVED it. Cracks me up..

 You are all probably wondering what I was.. Well I decided to be Teresa from the Real Housewives of New Jersey When in reality I just looked like a " Jersey Girl" . Oh well we had a blast ..

Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Walker .. 7yrs old..

Happy Birthday to my sweet boy. I cant believe hes already 7. He has taught me so much about being a better Mommy , patience and so much more. When I put him to bed on his birthday I got all weepy knowing that my baby boy is growing up. Silly I know but just would like to keep him small as long as I can. I am so blessed to have him in my life. LOVE YOU WALKERMAN..


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Life Lessons

Poor Lauren had to learn that their are adults that still act like they are " mean teenage girls".  Its a long story and dont want to get into it on here. Its a life lesson that I was non- too pleased to have to teach her. But she handled it way more maturely than I expected her too. I am proud of the way she is growing into a young lady. Love her..

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Looking good.....

This pic just makes me smile. He loves these bug glases that Nana sent.. But not to look for bugs just because he says he looks " good"..

Monday, September 26, 2011

Lauren and Gavin

Lauren loves babies but she LOVES LOVES Gavin. As you can see from these pics. He loves her just as much. But before we know it he is going to be bigger than she is.
I love this one.. sooo cute...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Career Day..

Career Day was this week at school. Lauren decided she was going to be Justin Beibers.. fashion stylist.. YES.. I know that's totally crazy.. But she was determined and so I had to turn my head as she walked out the door . The outfit was not my pick. But she was so happy.

You are thinking where is Walker's picture. Well he went as a Movie Director and he said that because of his job he is behind the camera. So no need for a picture or an "outfit".

They both had a great day..

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 What I remember ..

10 yrs ago we had a 2 1/2 month old living in Portland,OR. It was early morning and just put Lauren back down after feeding her. The phone rang and it was Sandy ( Kens cousin) asking me if he was OK. The week before he was in Boston on business but returned home . She wasn't sure if he was still out of town and she was extremely concerned. I had no idea what she was talking about, she told me to turn the TV on. Which I did and couldn't believe that a plane had crashed into I immediately called Ken ( who was at work) and he had heard about the attacks on the radio. I wanted him to come home and be with us. He said he would be home as soon as he could.  I called  Mom/Dad, Joanna Vorachek Austin ( she lived in NYC), Candy Underwood ( Kelly her daughter was at the airport in NYC). Everyone was safe but in as much shock as we were . Ken came home from work and we were glued to the TV what felt like for days. Shannon and Teresa Pfleiderer called us too see if the could come over and watch with us. At the time they didn't have a TV. They came over and we all sat in shock watching.

10 yrs later.. I sit with Lauren and she cant grasp what happened on 9/11. To be honest I still cant get my head around what happened on that day.  What I do know is that Americans are strong. God Bless the U.S.A.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Lauren's tie die cake..

Lauren and I actaully had nothing to do on Saturday afternoon and decided to bake a cake. For awhile now she has wanted to do a tie die cake. So we went for it. It was so much fun.

Lauren iced the cake while hot.. hence the reason the finished product looks AWFUL .But it did taste so yummy and she was so proud of herself.