Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Thank you...

Thank you to my sweet family for making my birthday and Mother's Day so special. I know it can be a bit much with both of them so close together. But they made both of my days amazing. I love them all so very much. Lauren and Ken went shopping for my b-day and got me bath stuff and a starbuck's gift card. For Mother's Day we let the tradition continue, we went and picked out plants for the yard. All in all it was a great weekend. Love you guys.

Where has the time gone ????

Last week I took Walker to his Kinder-Kick-off meeting. He was so excited and kept saying that NOW I get to go to Lauren's school. When we walked in the door of the school he said, "Mommy, I know where the bathroom and water fountain are.. you can go..". He thought he was going to get the stay and go to school. He is so ready to go just not sure if I am. He's my little boy and it makes me tear up to think if him as my kinder kid. I know that he will be in fabulous hands at Bledsoe it just makes me sad to see him grow up so fast.

At least I know he loves me so much. Last night I had a meeting and when I got home and checked on him he was crying. I asked why are you crying he said, Mommy because I am loving you." Just makes my hear melt. Sweet thing...